Son Step - Saucy

Son Step Releases Lead Single “Saucy”

The band’s unique formula offers a fresh approach to psych-pop.

By: Exile Staff

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With a third full-length album on the horizon this May, Son Step has thrown down their lead single, “Saucy.”

It would be easy to immediately draw attention to the fact the quartet is guitar-less, but the real story is the band’s impressive ability to layer complex rhythms and craft melodies with ease. Son Step, a four-piece psych-pop band hailing from Philadelphia, picked the right song to grab the attention of music fans looking for a fresh new sound.

“Saucy” is anchored by an airtight rhythm section. Drummer Matt Scarano is clearly a drummer’s drummer, setting the pace with syncopated patterings and subtle intricacies.

The tune has an energy that continues to race forward, adding new layers, new sounds, new hypnotizing synths, that all harmoniously mesh together.

Of course, what really brings “Saucy” away from the “too creative for their own good” designation - is the undeniably catchy chorus. While there’s fun in the unpredictability of the verses, the sing-along chorus elevates “Saucy” to a new level.

Son Step is planning on releasing their upcoming album, Fossilillies, on May 17th, and if “Saucy” is any indication - it’s going to be a fun listen.

The band is teeming with creative juices and technical ability. This tandem of talents balances fresh sounds with an accessible chorus. If you’re a fan of bands with a unique formula, Son Step should be on your next playlist.



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